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Games Tax Agencies Play Blog Home Thoughts on eXtreme Programming

OK, now that Rockstar: Supernova has been over for a couple weeks, I guess it’s about time for me to review my earlier predictions.

My top four were all in the final five. Dilana, who I said was the most talented, made it to the last two, so my sense of talent is on the mark, even if I misjudged the vote patterns. I’m blaming Dilana’s unexpected longevity on Storm’s earlier than predicted exit. Toby & Ryan, who I had placed in the “hopeless boring” category before, came on strong in the later weeks (although except for one really good original song from Toby, they really only rose to “slightly less boring”). I should note that in an interview for Icelandic TV, Jason let on that his first choice was Magni; Tommy’s was Lukas; and Gilby’s, Dilana. Note that Toby, despite finishing third isn’t in there, and Lukas & Magni were my top two. The real question is how Magni ended up fourth.

However, the spot where I really blew it was the other women on the show, specifically Jill, Zayra and Dana. I had predicted that, even though they were completely wrong for the band, they were very entertaining, so they would be around for a while. I guess that band didn’t see it that way. They were all gone soon after that.
